The Future of Canada

Quote of the Day.
I Think I Love Her.
Help me.
Every Word Every Thought Every Sound .
Wait a Miinute!
Saturday, July 29, 2006
This "blog", whatever the hell that means, was supposed to be all about me. This whole page was supposed to be all about Mr. Amir Ali. Something changed my mind. Something interrupted my train of thought. It wasn't a something at all actually, but a someone. For security purposes, this someone shall be renamed Gasho for security purposes. (Gasho is a girl.)

This morning I woke up with cruel intentions. I was going to be a total asshole. Not because I have a stick up my ass... not now anyway, but because my heart told me to. Gasho and I were going to spend the whoooole day together! Yay! And I was going to be a total asshole. Even though she basically sacrifices her existence to be with me, (because if anyone found out that Gasho and I were together, Gasho would be murdered) I was going to be an asshole.

Unfortunately for my cold heart, everytime I look at her, even if she is not looking back, I cannot help but smile. She made my cold heart warm. She is so sweet, so kind, so gentle, so innocent. She is mine. All mine. Not saying I do not deserve her, because I do, Trust me. But I must say, I am one of the ten most richest men in the world with her by my side, or in front of me, or behind me, wherever she may be, she is priceless.

Keeping all of this in mind about this sweet young lady. I was going to be an asshole. Even though she is the ONLY person in the WHOLE WORLD, that means ANYTHING to me at ALL, (That is no understatement) I was going to be an asshole. Friends are friends, but she is my life.
I have told myself time and time again, and more recently, without doubt, that she is my reason for existence. Even if she tortures my heart from time to time, I cannot say I do not deserve it.

I have created a world for Myself, and Myself alone. But my world has been destroyed. I have found a new home, and that home is with her. Her heart, her soul. My world is nothing without her.

All Cliches and love stories aside, I love this girl. We may be young, we may be dumb, but one thing I am not is incapable of knowing what is real. And when a day without her crushes my soul, I know that she is as real as it will ever get.
posted by Amir Ali @ 10:28 PM  
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Name: Amir Ali
Home: Vancity, British Columbia, Canada
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