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Who's Wrong
Monday, July 31, 2006
Commercial Break; time for Amir.

  1. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
Hmmm... don't think I've ever had one of those.

Did I do something? Or did everyone decide behind my back that they wouldn't care for me.
(These blogs are awesome for complaining without getting in trouble)

It seemed like... one day everyone was your best friend. Then a week later you woke up in a different world. Is it something I did? That's what some people (person) think. But I don't think so. As of right now, I really could care less. But when these happenings... were.. happening?.. It was pretty... "bad" for me.

You really can't predict the weather. I guess that was the case for me. Life goes on. That last dream I had where he was walkin' away with someone else felt like closure. Ok now I sound gay. That's the end of that chapter!

Fuck it.

A site for disbelievers.
posted by Amir Ali @ 5:49 PM  
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Home: Vancity, British Columbia, Canada
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