The Future of Canada

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I've Realized...
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
You Are, The Sore Thumb. But, the thumb is a part of me I can't remove, because it would be way too painful.

I've always been very sad, a little happy, very mad.
I've always seen the worst in dad, the best in friends, it turned out bad.
The world is cruel, political fuel, the spark has been lit by a presidential mule. Nothing's safe, not even your baby, and I bet your dog has a bad case of rabies.

Now that you know the world we're in, I hope your pain stays deep within.
Showcasing the hurt will just become, more pain for your brain to surrender to and succumb, to the cruel world.

I wrote a song the other night, about how this world tends to fright.
About how I wished that I was blind, to shield my eyes from cruel mankind.
Then I wished that I was deaf, so I didn't have to listen to the grief, and death.

Sadly my wishes couldn't be granted, God wasn't listening, my faith was slanted. Maybe we shouldnt view the blind as impaired, for they are lucky, their eyes are spared. Maybe we shouldn't view the deaf as lesser, they doesn't have to listen to a bitchy professor.

Through all the tragedy that has become, I've found a glint of hope to heal this sore thumb. The shining star that is in the sky, can be found by even the most blind eye. Though I feel my star is brighter than all, she picks me up even after my greatest fall. (Needs Editing, if you read the sore thumb part)

The story never ends with a happy ending, but I'm still thinking, so the sad ending is pending.
posted by Amir Ali @ 11:36 PM  
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Name: Amir Ali
Home: Vancity, British Columbia, Canada
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